About Bic Camera Discount Coupon
Available for using at all BicCamera, KOJIMA, and Sofmap stores.
7% Cameras, Home Appliances, Watches, Toys, Contact Lens etc.
5%Medicine, Cosmetics, Daily Necessities etc.
3%Japanese Sake (excluding Dassai and Hakkaisan)
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Coupon Rules
This coupon cannot apply to Apple products, Rolex, liquor (excluding Japanese sake),outlet items, secondhand goods, Nintendo Switch, as well as its software and official accessories, etc. 10% OFF is still available. Other gaming devices, snacks will be 10% OFF+ 5% OFF. Japanese Sake (excluding Dassai and Hakkaisan) will be 10% OFF+ 3% OFF. The liquor must be paid at the dedicated liquor cashier. Cannot be used with other campaigns or coupons.The discounts in Air BicCamera differs in cases. Please note that there are qualifying conditions for tax exemption. BicCamera reserve the right to explain the terms of the event. Please ask BicCamera staff members for more details.
アップル純正品、ロレックス、Nintendo switchの本体、ソフト・純正アクセサリー、一部お酒、アウトレット品、中古品など割引対象外商品があります。免税10%OFFは対象です。その他ゲーム機本体、お菓子は免税10% OFF+5%OFFです。日本酒(獺祭・八海山除く)は免税10%+3%引です。お酒は酒販レジでのみ会計可能です。他のキャンペーン、値引き、クーポンとの併用はできません。Air BicCameraは、割引率が異なる場合があります。免税には条件があります。キャンペーンは予告なく変更となる場合があります。詳しくは販売員までお尋ねください。印刷または携帯画面提示可。
